UNSA, University of Toronto

University of Toronto Model United Nations Delegation

Toronto Crisis Model United Nations

What We Do

The United Nations Students Association (UNSA) is the touch base for the model UN community at the University of Toronto. Together, the Executive works to recruit new members, train them, and ultimately, travel as a team to various conferences to compete. Our club is unique in allowing everyone to join, regardless of prior experience. That is why we have designed a program where anyone interested in MUN is able to join us at any point during the year and train alongside our Executives during training sessions and workshops. We are excited for another year of conferences and debate, and we hope you will join us in the fun.

- Lily Jiang, UNSA President

Our Executive Team

President - Lily Jiang

VP Internal - Tom Cai

VP Finance - Adit Kashyap

VP External - Omar Abdelhamid

Director of Training - Hasan Malik

Co-Director of Communications - Biew Biew Sakulwannadee

Co-Director of Communications - Amareena Saleh

Director of Delegations - Ernest Tang




21 Sussex Avenue, Suite 409. Toronto, ON.



@unsauoft on Instagram

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Branches of MUN at U of T


UTMUN is an annual conference for high school delegates which takes place in February. The four-day Conference provides high school students with unique and exciting educational opportunities as they draft resolutions, engage in heated debates and master the art of diplomacy and negotiation.


The North American Model United Nations (NAMUN) is an annual Model United Nations simulation hosted at the University of Toronto in Canada. It is Canada's oldest university-level Model United Nations Conference, and attracts delegates from around the world to Toronto every February.


SSICsim is an annual conference hosted by University of Toronto students for high school level delegates that offers an innovative and unprecedented conference experience. SSICsim is unique as it solely operates Model United Nations (MUN) style “crisis committees”. The conference is hosted in November every year.


Join our mailing list!

Use the form below to sign up for our mailing list. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your name, email and student number.

To join our team, please contact us directly on Instagram or via email.